Adult Ed. and Praise Time begin soon!

Praise Time and Sunday morning Adult education classes begin Sept. 15 at 10am. -Praise Time is for children k-5th grades and meets in the drama room. -The Red Letter Revolution continues through the end of November, and meets in the conference room. New attendees are always welcome. -A Fall with...

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Carpenter’s Corner Kick-off and Open House

Carpenter’s Corner is hosting a kick-off event in coordination with the tailgate party on Sept. 29th after 11am worship. There will be games for the children, and guided tours of the updated classrooms for everyone. Check out all of the new murals!  Pictures will be posted soon.  Hey kids, don’t...

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Child Abuse Prevention Update

A MANDATORY child abuse prevention meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall. This is for all teachers & shepherds that work with children AND youth, including nursery volunteers. Carpenter’s Corner lesson plans will also be handed out at that time. Light refreshments will be served....

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Carpenter’s Corner Peacemaking Rotation

The Peacemaking rotation begins September 8 and runs through October 6. The children will learn about the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior.  Children will verbalize and show through action how God expects us to behave toward all people.  God wants us to be helpers, or peacemakers, to find solutions...

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Read and Feed Program

We are happy to report that our Read & Feed program was a great success for our second year!  We hosted 29 second and third grade readers from the Fenton elementary schools who had been identified as needing assistance with their reading.  We hoped to “jump-start” their fall schooling by...

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VBS – Everywhere Fun Fair!

The children and adults from First Presbyterian and St. Jude’s Episcopal Churches had a fantastic time last week at the Everywhere Fun Fair – Where God’s World Comes Together! They learned how to be good neighbors to people here at home and around the world by listening to stories from...

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Whaley Children’s Center Picnic

On Thursday, August 1, we hosted a picnic at Silver Lake Park Beach in Fenton for the Whaley Children’s Center.  We were pleased that 40 youth and 12 staff attended from Whaley.  They had a great time and were very appreciative; they look forward to this picnic each year.  We...

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Youth Picnic

Thank you to Bill and Jean Hermann for hosting us at their beautiful home on July 24th! We had the opportunity to get to know them a little better (Bill the jokester and Jean the artist!) and play in their sanctuary of a yard. Jean makes pretty mean peanut butter...

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Can you imagine over 5200 sr. high youth from across the globe celebrating the love of Jesus? Can you imagine what it really looks like when over 5000 receive communion?  Can you imagine what it’s like to worship “youth style” with that many people?  That’s what 27 youth and 3...

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Youth 7 Lakes St. Park Event

On July 10, thirteen youth and four adults went on a 4 mile hike at 7 Lakes St. Park. Jon Wenzel gave a great dicsussion on “life cycles”   in nature, life, and the church.  After the hike, we all enjoyed watermelon, a cookout, and cooling off in the lake!

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