Youth Lead Summer Worship & Assist Deacon’s Back-to-School Project

Five young ladies from youth group were assisted by Pastor Robbie, Tina Ritchie, Bobby Clark and Jenny Gibb in leading worship on Sunday, August 6. The theme was “All Together Now” from the Massanetta Middle School Conference based on Galatians 3:28-29. To open worship, they dressed the communion table, then invited everyone into worship by singing a cappella “Spirit, Fall On Us.”  Youth in middle school shared what they learned at the Massanetta Conference and youth in high school shared experiences and lessons from the Feet-to-Faith mission trip in Ohio. With a depth beyond their ages, they talked about what it means to be together and yet not the same, loving everyone as Christ loves us.

After worship the girls also went shopping to purchase clothes for our Deacon’s Back-to-School project. They shopped for five children with money donated by church members. This is the second year members of youth group have had the opportunity to shop for this project, learning how to be good stewards of money while purchasing fashionable and quality items for children in the Fenton area.

Below are pictures of 4 of the girls who participated showing the posters used in worship (the backsides say “Jew, Greek, slave, free, male, female), and the girls after our shopping trip to Target.