Our Presbyterian missionary, Jeff Boyd, recently sent the following report with 2 pictures showing one of the three cisterns we sponsored is now in use.
The cistern at the church of Rev. Augustin Mukendi is very large and has a nice gutter system installed. It is completely finished. We were at this church for a meeting of three groups involved in a program to identify malnourished children in the community and then to work with their families and the local churches to change that situation. We heard reports of up to 25% of children being malnourished, as determined by measurements of upper arm circumference. As the meeting was winding down, we took a tour of the surroundings, starting with the inauguration of the cistern at Rev. Mukendi’s congregation. The water was flowing. After visiting the water cistern, we visited the pen where guinea pigs were being raised in support of this nutrition program. We then visited a home to see efforts to implement sanitation and hygiene advice given by these community health and transformation groups. You can understand how this cistern fits into a larger program promoting health and well-being of the community.
In the picture, next to Rev. Mukendi, is Rev. Debbie Braaksma, Presbyterian World Mission Coordinator for Africa.