30 Hour Famine Final Total
The Youth Group helped to Feed the 5000! The total is…. $986.14 Thank you to the congregation for your support!
The Youth Group helped to Feed the 5000! The total is…. $986.14 Thank you to the congregation for your support!
The Bake & Buy fundraiser was a huge success! We raised $433.08 for youth group events. A BIG THANK YOU goes out to all who baked and bought for our cause!
Our first Red Cross blood drive for 2013 went very well on June 1. We had 51 pints donated including 3 double red donations and 7 first time donors! The last two blood drives have been very successful so we will increase our goal and add staffing to make the...
Tri-County Christmas In Action performed significant home repairs to 5 homes of low-income or handicapped seniors in the Linden/Fenton area during April 2013. Eight volunteers from our church worked 1-3 days at a house on Wass Street in Fenton. Our team constructed a wheel chair ramp into the front of...
Eleven Youth and two adults participated in our 4th annual 30 Hour Famine through World Vision. They arrived at church 10pm Friday, April 19 and broke the fast with a communion service 8am Sunday morning, and then had a spectacular breakfast! Service projects included road clean-up for the Fenton DPW...
Habitat for Humanity was able to purchase a foreclosed house with lots of potential from a bank and then rehab that house for a nice young couple who will be moving to Fenton. Volunteers from St. Jude’s Episcopal Church and First Presbyterian Church of Fenton joined efforts on April 10-12 to...
Jesus, Bombs, and Ice Cream is a DVD study by Shane Claiborne and Ben Cohen (founder of Ben & Jerry’s). They state, “This study is not an apologetic for pacifism or nonviolence… But it is meant to engage everyone in conversation. It is a brainstorm – or a dreamstorm –...
The Great Commandment/The Golden Rule rotation runs April 14 – May 19. The children will memorize and understand the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule. The children should also be able to relate these to daily living, and to use them in their own lives. God connects us to all...
This year, Ken and Marilee Smiley have offered an additional $500 to be donated in memory of their son Mark Smiley. This donation would provide an additional Deacon scholarship for any members looking to further their education. This means that there will be a total of two scholarships this year....
There will be a Game Night Saturday, April 13, 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall. There will be card games, board games, something for everyone. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share.