June 2015 Blood Drive

We want to thank the 32 people who showed up to donate their blood, the 26 people who were able to donate, the Boy Scouts for assisting in setting up and packing up the equipment, the members who made cookies and the members who hosted the drive on Saturday, June...

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2015 Relay for Life

Our church’s team “Presbyterians With A Purpose” again helped raise funds to fight cancer in this year’s Relay For Life.  We walked in memory of the people who lost their fight with cancer and in celebration of the people who have survived cancer!  Almost everyone knows someone whose life has...

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Church Picnic August 16

Please SAVE THE DATE! Come join our annual church picnic at the Bush Park Pavilion, 498 Jefferson Street, Fenton, August 16 at 11:30. This family event includes something for everyone. There will be food, including hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and plenty of desserts. You can sit around and talk with...

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Graduate Recognition Sunday

2015 Graduate recognition Sunday took place on May 31 with breakfast and gifts sponsored by the Christian Education Committee, followed by a special worship service at 10am. Congratulations to our high school and college graduates!  May God’s grace and love guide you on your new life journey. High School Graduates:...

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Women’s Covenant Group Ministry Project

The Ladies in the current study of James: Mercy Triumphs were challenged to bring in a bag of groceries to be donated. The local charity chosen was Downtown Outreach Ministry in Flint, Michigan.  Below are 5 of us out of 20 who participated!

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2015 Confirmation Class

Congratulations to the 2015 Confirmation Class, who were confirmed on Sunday, May 17.  As their first act of service, they served communion to the congregation during the 11am worship service.  A big THANK YOU goes out to their mentors who met with their confirmand over a six week period to...

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Deacon’s Easter Project, 2015

37 families in the Fenton area were helped with groceries and a $25.00 gift card for a traditional Easter dinner.  This project was accomplished due to the generous members of FFPC.  Thank you!

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2015 Christmas In Action Report

Tri-County Christmas In Action performed significant repairs to 4 homes of low-income or handicapped seniors in the Linden/Fenton area on Saturday, April 25, 2015.  Thirteen adults and four youth volunteers from our church worked at a house on Restwood Drive in Linden.  Our team repaired garage roof trusses, filled a...

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