Carpenter’s Corner “Paul” Rotation

God sometimes has plans for us that we least expect. Saul persecuted Christians – he tried to destroy them and the church because he did not believe in God. But God had other ideas, and brought to Saul a change of heart. The turning point in his life began on...

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Taize Worship Experience

On Sunday, December 27, our congregation participated in its first Taize Worship service. Our new Presbyterian Hymnal, “Glory to God,” contains 20 Taize songs – four of which were introduced to our congregation. During the time of personal prayer and reflection, candle light was shared and members were invited to...

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Clothing Collections

The Mission and Stewardship committee would like to thank the many members who so quickly contributed 4 large bags of very nice clothes into the box in fellowship hall.  The clothes went to the clothing closet at Carriage Town Ministries in downtown Flint this past week.  More good news is...

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2015 Salvation Army Bell Ringing

On a balmy winter day, our members shared their Christmas Joy with the community and helped the Salvation Army raise some money so that more local families could enjoy Christmas.  Our members smiled, sang Christmas carols and greeted shoppers at VG’s on Silver Lake Parkway as well as at WalMart...

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Making Gingerbread Houses

Just for fun, a few youth asked to spend more time together outside of regularly scheduled youth group time. The purpose was to make gingerbread houses and play alien.  The boys were the first to complete their houses; all but one of the girls gave up and ate theirs! Are...

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Youth Group Helping Salvation Army

7 youth and 2 adults had a great time singing songs, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, and greeting customers at the Fenton Walmart from 1-2 p.m. on Saturday, December 12.  Some customers challenged us to sing super loud for a donation, and one bought us cookies and gave us the...

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Carpenter’s Corner “Advent/Christmas” Rotation

This rotation holds only 2 classes on December 6 & 13.  This children will focus on how God sends special messages to us through the angels, seen especially in the Christmas story. God sent Gabriel to tell Mary about Jesus’ birth. God sent another angel to tell the shepherds of...

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December 2015 Blood Drive

We want to thank the 54 people who showed up to donate their blood, the 47 people who were able to donate, the Boy Scouts for assisting in setting up and packing up the equipment, the members who made cookies and the members who hosted the drive on Saturday, December...

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An Event So Good… It’s Scary!

What a delightful time being part of the Fenton Chamber of Commerce’s “An Event So Good… It’s Scary!” We even had our church’s own Mayor of Halloweenville join others from the congregation as we gave away nearly 800 pieces of Halloween candy to children in the community on October 30th....

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30 Hour Famine Service Projects

12 youth and 7 adults participated for all or part of the time during World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine, sponsored by our youth group.  The program consisted of service projects,”tribal games” that taught us about hunger, poverty, and the importance of education, and ended with communion on Sunday morning. Saturday’s...

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