2021 Snuggle Sacks Report

Eight volunteers from our church braved another day during the COVID pandemic to first sort donated supplies and then to assemble 40 Snuggle Sacks on Saturday, January 16.  Each sack holds various hygiene supplies, one meal, socks, gloves, and a blanket.  They deliver these sacks to homeless shelters as well as on the streets of Flint. They were grateful for our assistance and we are very grateful for their service to the MANY homeless people in our area.

Snuggle Sacks is a new mission outreach opportunity for our church to serve the homeless in Michigan.  It was founded 5 years ago by then-8-year-old Addisyn Goss of Fenton and her siblings after discovering that their grandfather had been homeless. They gave us a better understanding of the needs of the homeless and how essential this type of support is to survival. Her family is now distributing about 800 sacks to the homeless each month. The program continues to expands in Michigan and now Indiana.