Worship With Us Sunday Mornings at 10am

Worshiping God and the amazing love shown to us through Jesus Christ is essential in building and maintaining our faith. The worship service emphasizes hearing God’s word in scripture and sermon as well as through music and prayer.

Current Sermon Series

February Worship Schedule

Feb 2 – 4th Sunday after Epiphany:  Communion, Scout Sunday The Four Loves: Affection
Feb 9 – 5th Sunday after Epiphany:  The Four Loves: Friendship
Feb 16 – 6th Sunday after Epiphany: President’s Day Weekend, Pulpit Exchange The Four Loves: Eros
Feb 23 – 7th Sunday after Epiphany: Church’s Anniversary (Feb 28th, 1840), The Four Loves: Charity

Where Do We Worship?

Join us online as well as in person, every Sunday at 10am 

Closed captioning available in the Sanctuary.

Here is how to join us Online
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/fentonfpc

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkBa-DrcqSECxjAyeaiC4bg

Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8309142301?pwd=RHJ4dDBPdEhMN25yKzFzSzZNeUVPQT09

2. use the Zoom app and use this Meeting ID
Meeting ID: 830 914 2301 Meeting Password: 5013

3. Use your telephone line to listen in:
Call +19292056099 and dial 8309142301# at the prompt US (New York)
Or Call +13126266799 and dial 8309142301# at the prompt US (Chicago)

Communion is served the first Sunday of the month in person.

Worship Resources


For those worshippping online, bulletins as well as sermon recordings are available on our website by visiting  our Sermons page. For those attending in-person, bulletins are also available from the ushers. Large print bulletins, Bibles, and hearing assistance devices are also available for those attending in person.

Gospel Project Sunday School


Sunday school begins at the start of worship. Our lessons are from the Gospel Project curriculum starting with Genesis. Each week’s lessons bridge the Old and New Testaments, helping children see Jesus throughout! We are also working on worship music skills and songs.

Music Ministry

The mission of the Fenton First Presbyterian Church’s Music Department is to present music that joyfully (Psalm 98:1-8) and humbly (Micah 6:8) praises God and builds up our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:11-13).

Our Adult Chancel Choir and Handbells Choir runs September-June


Adult Choir Practice is Wednesday Evenings at 7:30
Handbell Choir is Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm

Other opportunities: There are always ways to serve through instrumental music, vocal solos, small ensembles, helping with youth and children’s music programming, etc.!  Please contact our Music Director if you’d like to provide your help or music or if you have any questions!