Worship With Us Sunday Mornings at 10am

Worshiping God and the amazing love shown to us through Jesus Christ is essential in building and maintaining our faith. The worship service emphasizes hearing God’s word in scripture and sermon as well as through music and prayer.

Advent Worship Schedule

Advent Worship Schedule

November 20th, Hanging of the Greens
November 23rd, Thanksgiving Online Music Moment, 12pm
November 27th, 1st Sunday in Advent “The Christmas You Long For”, Duo Concert, 4pm
December 3rd, Live Nativity in the Courtyard (3:00pm-5:30pm), Starry Night CE Event
December 4th, 2nd Sunday in Advent “Untangle: Finding Peace in Our Hurried State” Carol Concert, 4:00pm, Triple C after church
December 11th, 3rd Sunday of Advent, Cynicism & Wonder”, Guest Orchestra in Worship Christmas Choir Concert at Tyrone Covenant, 7:00pm
December 17th, Community Christmas Caroling (3:45pm-5:00pm)
December 18th, 4th Sunday of Advent “Presents of Presence?”, Lessons and Carols Concert 3pm, Youth Christmas Party, 12pm-3pm
December 24th, Christmas Eve, 7pm Cresche Service: The Christmas Story, 11:30 Bells and Candle Service
December 25th, Sunday Christmas Day, Service of Carols 10am

Advent Devotional

Exodus 23: 10  “Six years you shall sow your land and gather in its yield,  11  but the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow so that the poor of your people may eat, and what they leave the wild animals may eat. You shall do the same with your vineyard and with your olive orchard.

12  “Six days you shall do your work, but on the seventh day you shall rest so that your ox and your donkey may have relief and your homeborn slave and theresident alien may be refreshed.  13  Be attentive to all that I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips.”

The Worship Committee has decided to do something new with the Advent Devotional in 2022. For many years we have solicited daily devotion from the congregation and have benefited from each’s reflections on the season and on God’s goodness to us. This year we are feeling the need to ‘rest and lie fallow’. Therefore, using the theme “Less is More”, we will be engaging together in a different kind of devotional.

There are two parts. The first is a booklet that guides you through each week of Advent with different meditations and thoughts for the week. Your household is invited to use the traditional advent candles and wreath to create a moment of reflection and holy conversation. If you live alone, consider joining with another household or other individuals to make the experience  more rich.

The second part is a poster that offers simple daily activities designed to encourage being present in the moment. Think of it as daily challenges to focus your heart on the incarnation of God and to be present to God’s salvation in our lives.

All of these materials will be available online and in the church office.

Devotional Booklet & Resources