Summer Carpenter’s Corner – “The Messiah – 23rd Psalm”

The  23rd Psalm rotation for preschool – 5th grade runs through August 28.

The 23rd Psalm is a classic piece of scripture that has spoken to people over the centuries. The agrarian culture, the fight for survival, the presence of enemies: these were realities during Biblical times. The images in the psalms spoke to the people reading them; the customs were familiar. The affirmation of the presence of God in some tangible form was a much-needed litany.

The words of this Psalm still speak to us today. It sets forth a rich picture of God’s steadfast love and desire for us, and therefore, the very traits of the Messiah. An image of the Messiah in both the Old and New Testaments is that of the Good Shepherd. He is the one who guides, protects, and provides. He searches for us when we go astray. He resides with us in our deepest valley. The Hebrew prophets, the psalmists, and the evangelists all used this metaphor as a symbol of God’s active participation in our lives.

The memory verse is the entire Psalm.  To know this psalm by heart is to carry with us a scripture that will speak to us in our time of need.

Don’t forget to ask your children what they are learning in Carpenter’s Corner.  It’s a great way to talk together about our faith!