You Belong Here
The Church is not a building. It is a gathering of people brought together to experience God's love and purpose.
God designed the church for YOU – you belong here. Are you ready to experience a community of people doing life together? To find out, come worship with us on Sunday mornings.
Grace - Truth - Discipleship
We gather together in a community defined by grace. Because Jesus has extended grace to each of us we can offer grace to each other. Matthew 18:20
We live into the freedom that Jesus brings as we share the truth of who Jesus is and we are honest with each other; forgiving each other, rejoicing with and bearing each other's burdens. John 8:32
A loving community of faith dedicated to helping people know Jesus Christ and grow, share and serve as his disciples.
We share life together as believers in Jesus, seeking to do Jesus' work and follow in Jesus' ways. Acts 4:32

Worship With Us
Join us online as well as in person, this Sunday at 10am. We will be worshipping in the Sanctuary as well as using Zoom software and Facebook Live. In addition, those who do not have an internet account can listen in by phone.
What You Need to Know Regarding In Person Worship Service this Sunday.
We will be meeting at 10am for Worship. Face Masks are optional. Paper masks will remain available for those who might need one and handwashing stations will remain available throughout the building. If you have been exposed to COVID or feel ill, please be considerate and stay home.
Here is how to join us Online
Facebook Live
1. Go to this browser:
2. use the Zoom app and use this Meeting ID
Meeting ID: 830 914 2301
Meeting Password: 5013
3. Use your telephone line to listen in:
Call +19292056099 and dial 8309142301# at the prompt US (New York)
Call +13126266799 and dial 8309142301# at the prompt US (Chicago)
Sunday School for children ages kindergarten – 5th grade
Join Miss Tina at 10am in Fellowship Hall
Sunday school begins at the start of worship. Our lessons are from the Gospel Project curriculum starting with Genesis. Each week’s lessons bridge the Old and New Testaments, helping children see Jesus throughout! We are also working on worship music skills and songs. As classes grow we will transition to downstairs classrooms.
Children join worship after the sermon where they either sit with their parents or with Miss Tina. Children can wear a mask at their parent’s discretion. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tina Ritchie or Pastor Robbie.

Join us for Coffee Hour Following Worship
After worship, you can held over to Fellowship Hall to enjoy coffee, tea, and tasty refreshments. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other members of the church. Please stop by for coffee and conversation!