The summer rotation runs June 1 through August 24. K-5th grade will meet together through the summer. (Preschoolers will have their own classes using the Wee Believe curriculum.)
“The creation story is a story of faith; it is a story of a people coming to an understanding of the inter-relationship of all things. God created all things and said this was good. For a people of faith it is not important to recount the exact, precise nature of events. The Old Testament writers were not worried about the empirical data that could support their story; they understood the creation as an act of God – their own creation as an act of God. The metaphorical language of the Bible enriches our understanding of our relationship with God.
Scripture is from Genesis 1 & 2. In Genesis 1, humanity was created in God’s image – both male and female representing equality. In Genesis 2 this creation takes place in two stages. This dual nature of creation means that creation is not complete without the two equal partners. God was present in both stories of creation.” – Cornerstones
Don’t forget to ask your children what they are learning in Carpenter’s Corner.
It’s a great way to talk together about our faith!