Sunday, November 6, six youth and five adults walked the Dibbleville area praying for our neighbors and community. We looked and prayed for homes with special needs, those selling and buying homes, homes that are vacant, new and existing businesses, all area churches and pastors, local and national government, and asked for prayer requests from those who passed by.
Afterward, we returned to church for quiet personal contemplation by reading Luke 10:25-37, asking, “Who is my neighbor?” and filling in “Love thy ______ neighbor.” Some answers were lonely, frail, proud, hurting, cruel, joyful, misguided, unfaithful, and trusting. We also experienced prayer stations with sand, clay, rock painting, finger labyrinths, journaling, prayer poses, and tacking burdens to the cross, along with meditative music. We look forward to doing this again during the Advent season!
Below are pictures of prayer around the cross in the sidewalk at The Road Community Church.